

A show about the latest in tech tools, tips, and tricks on Tuesdays at 2

Long time friend Jason Lengstorf, VP of Developer Experience at Netlify, swings by to chat through all the things that have changed at Netlify over the last few years!

Chris has been mucking around pretending to be a "fullstack" engineer - a.k.a. getting it to work poorly - and we chat through some of the tools he's been using to get it done

Container queries are here! Well, almost - enough for us to actually try them out and get excited about how they're going to change how you develop in the near future.

Today's episode has us run through our favourite books, ranging from technical, non-fiction, and non-fiction!

Today we run through a grab bag of tools that we're looking forward to or leveraging in our projects today

Well, we once again were going to start talking about the new website... but instead realised there were a bunch of cool things from GitHub that we wanted to highlight!

Join us as we ramble on about our various thoughts on interviewing, both as interviewees and interviewers!

Well, we intended this to be a dive into how we're building our new website, but it ended up being a talk about starting new side-projects in general! Listen to us chat about some books and resources we've found useful when starting a new venture

It's that time of the year again - we take a look back at some things that surprised us this year (beyond the chaos of 2020!) and some things we're looking forward to in 2021

Jason Miller swings by to teach us a little bit about his new all-in-one development tool, WMR

Today we're doing a variety show on writing! Design docs, 1:1's, note-taking - we run through a gamut of tools and thoughts as we discuss how writing has impacted our careers.

Wow it's been a while since we talked animations! We spend some time categorizing the different categories of animations we've run across in our jobs and some of our favourite tools to tackle them.

Chris has been building with React Native again recently, so we decided to check back in and chat about the differences between building with React Native versus React for Web

Today's episode is a little more retrospective as we talk a walk through how our careers started and how they've changed over the years

We realized that we haven't recorded an episode about CSS in over a year!! So we decided to chat about some of the new and experimental things coming up with CSS

Last year we had Rich Harris on as he was announcing Svelte v3 and we both committed to building something with it. Turns out, we didn't do that, but we're making good now! We chat about some of our first impressions as we build stuff with Svelte

Chris has been writing a blog post on the lessons he could teach his younger self about Typescript and we decided to do it live! We go and discuss the seven Typescript concepts that Chris is writing about in the post.

Well, it's July (almost August) and we're STILL working from home. We check back into our home setups and update what's changed in the last six months.

Una's knee deep in rebuilding her blog in Eleventy; we talk about the pro/cons and the onboarding experience of Eleventy!

We both were hard at work creating and researching documentation; so figured we'd stop and chat about our favourite documentation sites

Join us as we discuss some tips and tricks for working from home! Tools, furniture recommendation, and just general ideas for not going too stir-crazy

We talk a walk through our year and revisit and revise some of our former opinions (especially around CSS in JS)

Una recently spoke at Chrome Dev Summit and Chris... Chris watched a bunch of the videos. We chat about our favourite new things showcased at CDS

Today we're going back in time and... using no build tools??

Chris has been diving into TypeScript for the last few months and tries to convince Una to give it a whirl

We host Milena Pribic from IBM on the show to chat on the emerging field of AI and the growing awareness of the need for ethical oversight.

Jina Anne swings by to give some history about the origins of design tokens and then lets us know about some current and upcoming tools to keep our eyes on

Variable Fonts! What are they, can you use them, and how can you get started today

The one where Chris doesn't realise we're talking about browser devtools for a hot second, but then makes a quick pivot. We chat about new DevTools developments that you might not have realised were there!

Yes you heard it correctly, this episode is just Chris (just turned 30!) regaling you with stories of things he wished he knew when he first starting on his web development career.

We wax nostalgic as we go over our favourite episodes from yesteryear

It's that time again! We sit down and chat about what we're currently working on - state machines and Houdini!

We have Justin Fagnani illuminate us on the current state of the lit-html / lit-element and why you should be taking another look at web components

Adam Wathan, the creator of Tailwind, drops by to give us a crash course on his library

We chat about the various people and sites that inspire us to experiment and learn more about the web

It's 2019, should you still be using Sass? Is native CSS good enough by itself now? We discuss

WIll Larche from the Flutter Material Design team stops by and we chat about Google's latest mobile framework, Flutter

We chat with Rich Harris about his Svelte and the upcoming Svelte v3!

Una has an announcement! And we talk about the ever confusing topic of interviewing

The CSS WG has approved a whole bevy of new things! We chat about what's coming up in CSS

We join in the flavour of the moment and talk about Hooks and why everyone should be maybe rewriting everything into them.

Pour one out of the web techonologies of yesteryear. We reminisce about some of the pivotal tech technologies we used as we've gone through our careers

Yep, we're talking about Gatsby again. We chat about our latest projects with Gatsby (and a poor explanation of themes), and go over some of the pain points we ran into

We're back for 2019! Today we cover our New Year's Developer Resolutions and projects we've started to tackle

As is our annual tradition, we wrap up the year by highlighting the new tech that jumped out at us in 2018

Today we talk with the awesomely excited Adam Argyle as he talks to us about his recently announced tool, VisBug

We plow through the highlights of Chrome Dev Summit and talk about some really cool new things launched during the conference

We sync about the avalanche of changes that hit React last month and will be hitting React next month

Una's been playing around some more with Houdini and has a ton more to share

Today Una and Chris discuss Next.js, the much buzzed about server-side rendering React platform.

We go through our top ten list of things we just wish so badly CSS would do, but either doesn't or doesn't quite yet.

Una and Chris go over the thousand and one options developers have today to get their apps into the cloud

We talk with Tim Holman about his new project, Generative Artistry, creating art with code, and side projects.

Redux: "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"

Chris and Una take a gander at React-Native this week! We build some simple apps in React Native and share our getting started experiences.

Ideating is hard! We talk about getting inspired to build things, and the process we go through to hone in on what we're creating.

After a year and a half, we talk about what's new and changed about our VS Code workspaces

Chris Epstein comes on the show to give us the rundown of the upcoming tool, CSS Blocks

CSS in JS – is it good, is it bad? Una and Chris discuss this still unresolved debate.

We're back with another CUBS episode! This week Chris and Una try to build data visualizations with D3.

In today's episode, we talk about JavaScript's animation in transition libraries which we shortened down to interactions....or libraries

This episode features the great Jason Lengstorf and we're talking about Gatsby!

This episode features Una getting overly hyped about Houdini: the future of writing CSS via web worklets.

What's coming up for web browser API's and standards? This week we talk about the in-progress JavaScript and CSS features we can't wait to see supported!

Today we're learning about Netlify and joining us is the incredible Phil Hawksworth to share his tips and tricks around it all.

This week we start off exploring a serverless tutorial by Sarah Drasner, and then split off and discuss the serverless phenomena at large.

This week we explore the pros and cons of Stylus: the hipster CSS preprocessor written to work smoothly with JavaScript.

It's time to wrap up the year and welcome 2018. So in this episode, Chris and Una go over their favorite tools and apps from 2017!

CUBS is back with an episode on the Preact CLI! Chris and Una try it out for their own projects and discuss.

We take a quick look through the different graphing and svg libraries you can use to build your own data visualizations

This week, Chris and Una take on the challenge of extending Slack (the messaging system) with their own bots!

Electron.js lets you build desktop apps using web technologies. It’s pretty rad! In the first episode of our new CUBS series, we explore Electron ourselves!

This week we have Rachel Nabors teaching us all about the future of the Web Animations API!

This week, we’re wrapping our heads around Headless Chrome with Tim Holman!

If you’ve ever wondered what its like to live and work around the world, this is the show for you. This week we talk to Nicole Dominguez about running her own business as a digital nomad.

This week we talk with the awesome Kat Marchán about her new tool NPX and how it can improve your NPM workflow.

This week we talk getting started with RxJS and its data streaming possibilities with David Khourshid.

This week we discuss writing! An essential tool to get your voice heard and work seen in the dev community.

CSS variables are so freaking useful and their fast adoption has us more than excited. In this short episode, we discuss implementation and some use cases.

What happens when our shiny design system has its first birthday? Chris and Una discuss lessons learned from their years in the field

Tune in this week to hear us ford through unfamiliar waters as we tackle GraphQL! We go through why you should get excited about this new way of dealing with APIs.

Live from JSConf.EU, we speak with Nadieh Bremer & Shirley Wu about their incredible data sketches project and their experiences with data visualization.

We blast through our top four tips, tricks, tools, and things to optimize your website for peak performance.

We talk with Suz Hinton about how to write software interconnected with physical objects. How cool is that wizardry!?

Everyone’s talking about CSS Grid—the latest spec to surface in modern browsers. Listen up on why its so great!

What's super trendy in tech right now? Virtual Reality. We break it down this week at SXSW.

We talk to Jason Ormand about gifv! The latest in image performance technology. No, but really, it's pretty cool

Git is something we use every day—this week we talk about some tools, tips, and tricks to make it better.

What is Windows up to these days? Una and Chris give you the down low of developing on this operating system in 2017!

This week we sit down and talk with Sean Larkin about newly released Webpack 2! ES6 modules, tree-shaking, and more fun things in this episode.

CSS in JS: is it the next big thing? We break down some techniques with Glen Maddern.

Every year introduces new tools. We recount our favorite discoveries from 2016.

This week we learn about animation in UI: basics, libraries, performance considerations, and more with Sarah Drasner

We care about you! This week we talk about tools that can help you stay healthy and productive.

This week's episode is full of image optimization tooks, formats, and some fun facts about images!

We rapid fire through our top eight Chrome extensions

Chris interviews Una on her experience as a conference speaker and how you can become one too!

We stray off the beaten road of Atom and Sublime, and instead discuss our new favourite editor, Visual Studio Code, and our top five extensions for it.

We’re back! With an overview of what people have been talking about lately: the abundance of tools in web development.

We highlight thirteen conference talks that dazzled us, inspired us, and drove our careers forward

After a short hiatus, Toolsday returns with CSS Wizardry himself, Harry Roberts, to talk about travel.

In today's episode we're joined by Mathias Meyer to talk about Travis CI

What’s the “correct” way to write code? We can’t say for sure, but these standards and linters can. This week we explore the options.

CSS frameworks / design systems/ pattern libraries — so many names, so little time! We revisit the topic with so much more knowledges.

We chat about how we use completely different hardware to do our work

We had Helen Holmes, UI designer of Firefox Dev tools to teach us some tricks we didn't know existed!

The tools we love and use that we forgot or just didn't fit into any other category.

We poke around, ruminate, and explore Service Workers.

How can we make sure people are able to access data on poor connections? Hear about offline-first this week with Hoodie's Gregor Martynus.

Some of the things you'll need to set up a MacBook from scratch, and some fun quirks that will make your life easier day to day.

For our 20th episode, we do a recap of our favourite tools that we use everyday.

This week we talk about web accessibility concerns — what the heck all those acronyms are, and how to test for compliance.

Animation brings the web to life! Today we talk about (mostly CSS) animation — how it works, tools, and resources.

Today we discuss JavaScript unit testing with ColbyCheeze! Learn about spying, stubbing, and mocking this week.

Achieved in CryEngine 3 — wait no, Unity, wait no, Phaser?

This week we're talking CSS layout — from CSS 1 to current best practices to what's coming down the pipeline.

We all agree performance testing is important, but how do you track it over time? This week Taylor Jones tells us how.

There are 412 options for static site generators. This week we discuss (mostly three) of them.

We picked our top five ES6/7/2015/2016 upgrades and talk about how they make our lives so much easier.

Our guest Jon Ballands chats with us about the IBM Swift Sandbox, and building it with Node & Express.

With frameworks being so hot right now, we talk to Iheanyi Ekechukwu about Ember

This week we talk about React and why it's so darn hard to get started with!

Chrome DevTools is the topic of the week, which we've simply deemed "awesome".

This week's episode is about the past, present and future of CSS Pre and Post-processors.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Let's talk about remote collaboration and the tools that make it possible.

Sublime or Atom? Wait, WEBSTORM? We talk about our favourite developer environment tips and tricks.

We discuss the challenges of creating scalable styleguides with guest Brian Han

College? Where we're going, we don't need college (or do we?).

We'll talk about modules and module loaders! Everything from AMD to common.js and spend a bit of time going over Browserify and Webpack.

Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli, Brunch, Mimosa, oh my! So many task runners, so little time. In this weeks episode, we explore each of these delectable breakfast items/task runners.

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