React Podcast

React Podcast

Conversations about React with your favorite developers.

They say hindsight is 2020. And at the end of the year 2020, it sure feels hard to disagree.

Cassidy Williams opens up about her grand visions for 2020, the challenges she encountered this year, and how the effect they had on her job and Make 100 Kickstarter project Go on the Go. She shares what skills and habits were important in navigating these surprises and how to share your reach with others.

This year, COVID changed the way developers meet up and share ideas. TJ VanToll shares his experiences with these challenges moving the DevReach conference online. We talk about surprising trends, failure traps, and opportunities for you to find a unique voice in all of it.

Tim Neutkens details the new tech in Next.js 10!

At this year's NextJS conf, Vercel announced killer new performance features that came from their partnerships with Google and the React Core team. Tim shares shares what these improvements mean for users and developers alike.

Tyler McGinnis takes it back to the first few years of React and the birth of the modern JavaScript ecosystem.

He shares what he's doing at to help new developers get a foothold in modern web development, and how put in the daily work of reaching a goal.

Correction from Michael Chan (11/30)

This episode has been edited from its original release on November 26th.

In the original version, I made insensitive comments about someone I deeply respect.
It was far too casual a comment for this show and steeped in envy. I've reached out to those that my biases most directly harmed.
With their guidance and permission — we have edited both the audio and description of this episode for the benefit of future listeners.

I am ashamed that my words caused harm to friends, colleges, and listeners of this show. I am committed to learning from this mistake and continuing to work toward the welcoming show listeners and guests deserve.

Henry Zhu opens up about building Babel and the challenges in maintaining communities that maintain open source.

He shares what he's learned from other open source projects and vibrant communities throughout history.

Jenn Creighton talks with chantastic about component architecture, composition from a perspective of writing, mastering interpersonal communication, and feeling your feelings.

She shows us how to save ourselves from the "apropcalypse" by leaning into age-old patterns of composition and organization.

Tom Preston-Werner is building a full-stack framework for React and GraphQL developers. In this episode we talk about RedwoodJS, a framework that's bringing full-stack to Jamstack.

Tom is a co-founder of GitHub, creator of Jekyll (the OG static site generator), TOML, and Semantic Versioning.

If you've been hunting for a full-stack React and GraphQL solution, and envy the integration of frameworks like Rails and Laravel, listen up, because RedwoodJS might just be for for you.

Marcy Sutton cares about the humans trying to use your site.

In this episode Marcy illuminates the value of accessibility on the web, her favorite tools and services, and the necessity to "shift left" — ensuring that accessibility becomes a discussion at the planning phase instead of on "nice to have" at the development phase.

Marcy shares killer strategies for doing work you believe in, even when your job makes it hard.

Eli White shares the five core principles guiding React Native devolvement: native experience, at massive scale, fueling developer velocity, on every platform, with declarative ui.

He shares some insights about how Facebook organizes around features and products — not platforms — and shares news about exciting React Native collaborations with Microsoft.

Shawn Swyx Wang opens up about his new book The Coding Career Handbook: Guides, Principles, Strategies, and Tactics from Code Newbie to Senior Dev.

His book shines a spotlight on career patterns and practices that many had to learn the hard way — you know, up hill in the snow both ways 🧓

chantastic asks about his favorite lessons in the book but there are so many more that they don't cover. If you have an appetite for more, get your copy of The Coding Career Handbook at

Rick Casey shares what he's learned building, managing, funding an open source project over 8 million users.

The app is Destiny Item Manager — a companion to Bungie's wildly popular looter-shooter Destiny.

If you play Destiny, you've surely used this or scene it on stream. But even if you're not a gamer you'll learn a lot about what it takes to manage and succeed with open source at this scale.

Kent C. Dodds spills the tea on his latest course, workshop, masterclass, creation Epic React.

He shares what he's learned as a React educator and why how you learn is even more important than what you learn.

When you finish this episode and think "wow, I wish there were 8 more hours of content just like this!", you're in luck.

Kent and I recorded a new podcast series for Epic React. You can listen to all 9 episodes, for free, at

Friend of the show Chris Biscardi and I talk about building community in a pandemic-ruled world.

Chris shares all the great things happening on Party Corgi Network — a community of practice — and they touch on the topics of Discord, live streaming, community management, and why you need to be what you want to see in community…

Sam Selikoff and chantastic dissect the challenges of transitioning from bundled, batteries-included frameworks (like Rails) to unbundled, choose your own adventures frameworks like React.

They discuss the virtues of full stack frameworks, common pitfalls found when building your own framework, and the great tooling that's emerging to fill gaps in authentication, data storage, and developer-designer experience…

Gant Laborde tells us how to present ourselves well, virtually. In the world of online conferences, streaming, and meetings at a distance, your screen presence is your only presence. Then we take a 180 degree turn to talk about talk about machine learning and leveraging it to find Nicholas Cage.

We tried something new this week and streamed this chat on Youtube! If you want to take part in these conversations real-time, subscribe to our new channel — linked in the description…

Vaidehi Joshi tells us about building BaseCS — a fun and approachable exploration of computer science.

Vaidehi is a hero of mine and I'm delighted to share this conversation. We talk about making yourself to do the work , never selling yourself short, and handling negative feedback with grace…

Sara Vieira tells us about her new book: The Opinionated Guide to React.

She breaks down here experience build large apps, at scale, into easy to digest gold for React n00bs and seasoned pros alike.

At the end of our chat she cracks open my mind with her unique approach to book publishing and how he builds purchase parity power into every copy of The Opinionated Guide to React sold.

Nikolas Burke tells us about Prisma 2 — "modern database access for typescript and node"

We talk about the history of database ORMs (object-relational mappers), the product journey of to Prisma 2, and how Prisma is powering new full stack frameworks like Redwood and Blitz.js.

Tom Coleman tells us what's new in Storybook 6. He elaborates on headline features of controls, composition, and args and how they'll take your component documentation and exploration to the next level!

We Storybook's history, it's relationship to Chromatic visual testing tools, and the power of component-driven development.

Today, Jani Eväkallio tells us about Foam, an open source project that's bringing the power of networked note-taking to your code editor.

He and chantastic talk about the difference between associative and categorical (traditional) note-taking and how Foam transforming VSCode into an IDE for thoughts.

Pariss Athena share the history of #blacktechtwitter — how she discovered a vibrant community of Black and Brown technologists and what she's doing to amplify their voices and experiences in tech.

She tells how her platform, Black Tech Pipeline, is bridging the diversity, equity, and inclusion gap as new Black and Brown developers join a largely white and Asian dominated industry.

To close she gives us tremendous insight how it feels to be the sole representation of a minority group at a company, and ways all of us can be better allies in our meetings, projects, and communities.

Eve Porcello and Alex Banks stop in to drop Learning React knowledge for noob, novice, and knowledgable React developers alike.

We talk about how Learning React has changed over the years, the patterns and practices that have stood the test of time, and why streaming is still the next big.

Chris shares a behind the scenes look at, the challenges of monetizing a blog, the identity crisis that comes with selling your business, and what he's cooking up next with

Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence join chantastic to share the business of Remix — how it'll provide continued support for React Router, and Reach UI, Open source licensing that makes money, and how COVID forced them to evolve their business from in-person training to services.

Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence join chantastic to talk about Remix — a killer React framework from the creators of React Router.

This is a two part conversation. This week, they dive into the technical challenges of building a React framework and why the ancient techniques found in Turbolinks and PJAX could be the key to high performance server-side rendered and generated React apps….

Joel Hooks shares the story of

Joel and chantastic talk about doing the work, the overrated role of passion, the power of a grudge, and building yourself into your own boss.

Tomasz Łakomy shares how to survive the rapidly changing frontend landscape.

Tomasz and chantastic talk serverless, end-to-end testing with cypress, and the greatest frontend tool of all time: jQuery.

To celebrate 7 years of React, we have a very special guest: Pete Hunt.

He’s the one who asked us to give React just 5 minutes, to reconsider our established frontend practices, and see if separation of technologies was serving us as well as we thought.

Pete tells us about the early days of React — it’s rocky community reception, Facebook’s struggle to create meaningful open source, and betting big on CommonJS and a little-known bundler named Webpack.

Dave Geddes tells us about the science of learning and how he uses it to ensure success at — where he teaches CSS layout, service workers, and more.

We talk about the importance of sleep for learning, the joy of graduating from employee to entrepreneur, and how exterminating a few critters can help you master CSS Grid once and for all

This week Matt Perry tells about Magic Motion — the killer new feature for Framer Motion that makes shared element transitions easy for React developers

We talk about full-stack correction for FLIP animations, the virtuous relationship between product and open source, and how “fear-driven development” kept him from finding a Magic Motion solutions earlier…

Dimitrius Clark joins us to drop some good nuggets on building community. We talk about his meetup Reactadelphia, tips for finding the best Code Bootcamps, and how to supercharge your career after graduation — using all the corniest career advice.

Chance Strickland (@chancethedev) and chantastic talk about Reach UI and building flexible libraries for the web.

They talk about separation of logic with statecharts, the cascading complexity of accessibility, unopinionated approaches to styling, and the career effects of great open source.

Dominic Nguyen joins us to talk about visual regression testing for design systems with chromatic — the important differences between snapshot testing and visual testing, why the component construct was the missing piece, and how chromatic gives teams confidence.

This week on React Podcast our guest is… me! Max Stoiber takes the host seat to ask about my journey from unemployment line to React Podcaster. Nothing is off limits. We talk faith, family, cancer, death, and finding a place in tech…

Thanks Max for dreaming up this episode and convincing me to do it.

Laurie Barth joins us to talk about building a career you’ll love, networking you won’t hate, and a proven strategy to beat imposter syndrome.

Adam Wathan tells us what it takes to make your own money.

He’s a prolific author, podcaster, educator, open source creator, and true fullstack developer. He shares a look into what it took to make Refactoring UI and Tailwind CSS smash hits.

Chris Biscardi and I talk about using the platform — what happened in the browser while we were webpacking all-the-things-in-js.

We talk about the future of JavaScript meta frameworks, a return to Rails, serverless provider lock-in, and the value of content creation in an economic downturn.

We learn from Maggie Appleton about mental models, conceptual metaphor theory, culture, creative thinking, drawing a box, and how it all comes together in her incredible Egghead course artwork.

This week we chat with Michael of React Training and learn everything we need to know about React Router v6 — what's in store, how to update, and what he's learned about empathy in the process.

We sit down with Max Stoiber and find out what it takes to find luck in open source. Max is the creator of react-boilerploit and the co-creator of styled-components and

David Khourshid is the man bringing statecharts to the frontend. We talk about XState, model-based testing with xstate-test, and the future designer/coder integration

For the month of february, we're chatting exclusively with Reactathon speakers. You can hear more from David on the topic state-charts for UI development this march. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. David and I will be there, chewing people's ears off about better designer tooling. Get a ticket at

Today we chat with Becca Bailey about Refactoring — how to make your React code a little more liveable, human-friendly, and ready for anything.

You can hear more from Becca this march, on finding joy in refactoring. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. Becca and I will be there, passing out high fives and excited to meet you. Get a ticket at

Today we chat with Evan Bacon about Expo and delivering on the illusive promise of "write once. run anywhere."

For the month of february, we're chatting exclusively with Reactathon speakers. You can hear more from Evan on the topic of using Expo for universal React development this march. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. Evan and I will be there, having a good time and happy to chat with you. Get a ticket at

Today we chat with Daria Caraway and learn how to build considerate React components with TypeScript.

For the month of february, we're chatting exclusively with Reactathon speakers. You can hear more from Daria on this topic of developing considerate React components on the Reactathon this march. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. Daria and I will be there, high-fiving people and having a good time. Get a ticket at

Conferences are a big part of the React ecosystem.
This year, there's a conference that stands out from the rest: Render(ATL).
Render(ATL) is a new conference in Atlanta that promises to introduce React developers to the voice and culture of the south.

Today we sit with Justin E. Samuels to hear his vision for the conference, how much he loves his city, and what amazing things await attendees in Atlanta this year.

Every few months, I like to explore professions that are adjacent to programming.
Today we're exploring captioning and its impact on our industry.

Our guide for this industry is the fabulously giften Norma Miller of White Coat Captioning.
I was captivated by her work at last year's React Rally and wanted to share with you what I learned from her.

Her company does primarily technical events, which gives her an interesting vantage point into tech conference culture.
We talk about typing in excess of 300 words a minute with 98% accuracy,
The $6000 keyboards that make it little easier,
And the open source that powers it.

I think you love this chat, as we learn how captioners are making our technical events more multi-cultural, accessible, and inclusive.

We're kicking off a new decade by going back in time time to 1999, just 10 years after the birth of the internet.
Our guest today is Lee Byron.
He takes us on a tour of the early web and personal home pages.
And connects the dots between PHP and technologies like React and GraphQL.
His work — inside Facebook during a critical pivot to mobile — provides a unique vantage point on the progress of web technologies over the past 20 years.

Today we sit down with award winning cartoonist, a book apart author, web animations expert, new member to the React Core Team, and all round lovely human Rachel Nabors.

We talk about her journey to React, the Woman at the Heart of React zine (from this years React Conf), and her charter to make React and React Native documentation friendly, powerful, and inclusive.

React Core Team member Suil Pai in the chair today.

React is a complicated project. It's open source but lead by facebook. That's a hard pill for many to swollow. But, for it, we get a framework that's battle-tested at facebook scale — every experimental API tested by billions of users.

Today, Sunil and I dive into the future of React as a UI framework, how Concurrent mode marks a shift in focus from developer experience to user experience, and what it'll take to finally get better designer tooling for React.

I'm so grateful for you. This is just a short thank you from me to you, an update on my React Suspense course, and what you can expect from React Podcast in 2020...

Brian Vaughn joins us for an update on React Developer Tools.

We talk about Fast Refresh for the web, New developer convienciences around codemods, And new React Dev Tools features to help you profile, suspend component trees, and find your way around unfamiliar React apps.

This chat is guaranteed to help you be a quicker, happier, more productive React developer.

Today we're talking with Kitze about his transition from open source to product, what his development browser Sizzy has taught him about business, and the dangers of our hype-driven development cycles.

We discuss what we think is wrong with the culture of web development today and how to keep focused on skills that won't be consumed by designer/developer robots.

In the immortal words of TLC, "Don't go chasing waterfalls".
Turns out they're really easy to find in React today.

Joe Savona joins us to talk about avoiding waterfalls in your React code.
He's here for our 2nd of 6 React Conf 2019 interviews to talk about data-fetching strategies with Suspense.

Joe has spent the last year working with the React team in developing a relay-suspense integration for the new

He shares the lessons and patterns they've learned and how they're baking great user experience into Relay.

Fetch-on-render, fetch-then-render, and Render-as-you-fetch are patterns you'll be hearing more often as Suspense picks up steam.

Thankfully, in today's episode Joe helps us navigate that verbiage and determine what our first steps with Suspense should be.

Today we kick off our first of 6 React Conf interviews.

We start with Andrew Clark to learn what this React Conf 2019 means for us — our libraries and apps. He's a core team member who cut his React teeth on the fiber re-write and he's been deep in Concurrent React for 3 years.

We chat about future features, prerelease channels, and how Suspense is preparing the way for others to bring cooperative concurrency to their libraries, applications, and frameworks.

This week is React Conf!
And I suspect that Suspense and Concurrent Mode will have a good showing.

So — in anticipation and excitement — I asked friend of the show, Swyx, to join me for a Suspense/Concurrent React rundown episode — covering everything you need to know so far and what we hope to see at this year's event.

Neither of us have priviliged info.
We're just two nerds who like to keep abreast of React's most exciting future feature.

Today we sit with Lara Schenck to discuss CSS Algorithms and my favorite term of the year: Turd Driven Development.

She's brilliant, obviously. And It's a real treat to chat with someone who shares my affinity for CSS and a stoic acceptance of how crappy our codebases are.

But she offers hope, to teams that prioritize the work of design engineering.

Do not miss her talk CSS Algorithms. It's — hands down — my favorite talk of 2019.

This week we sit with Swizec Teller and learn how to get more done in every day.

Swizec has an incredible work ethic — regularly blogging, vlogging, live streaming, and writing books on your favorite web technologies React and D3.

How does he do all that and keep a full-time job at a startup?

Today, we try to find out what his secret is and how to mimic that focus.

This week we continue our discussion with Jonathan Cutrell about the future of work.
This time, we're talking about teamwork.

We tackle a few important questions.
How do you invest in a team that is separated by hundreds of miles?
How do you find moments to spark trust where serendipity is at a minimum?
And how do you make sure everyone is heard and feels good about their work?

If you work remote — or hope to work remote — these questions are at the forefront of your mind as you decide whether or not to DM that co-worker or waffle between which emoji expresses your sentiment best.

We got you.
This episode is brimming with tips and tricks for you.

This week we sit down with Jonathan Cutrell. He's the host of the beloved podcast Developer Tea and co-found Spec, the very Network that this show belongs to.

Now, when podcasters get together and talk. They talk... for hours. So this is part one of a two parter.

Today, we glean from Jonathan's transition from musician to developer. We discover how constrained systems like music primed him for life as a developer, and the ways in which all systems being infused with our humanity. We talk about how to keep doing work you love and finding, or creating, a company that will help you do.

This week we sit down with Chris Toomey and address all the holy wars: Elm vs React, TypeScript vs JavaScript, product vs development, and even VS Code vs Vim.

This week we diverge from our typical technical focus to talk about communication.

Many of you are developing a product. Whether that be an open source library, course material on your favorite framework, or your skills a freelance developer — you are selling something.

Selling requires more than great technical skills. It requires strong communication.

Today we sit with Val Geisler — founder of Fix My Churn. We talk about communication thru email,
Why it’s critical for building and branding your business,
And how we get started.

I believe it has the potential to change your career.

This week we sit down with Chris Biscardi — open source developer and consultant.

He's working with Gatsby on projects like gatsby-mdx and gatsby-themes.

So we talk about what Gatsby Themes are, why they promise to bring a new wave of shareability to Gatsby sites, and what you need to know to start using them.

We also talk about designing a workflow around sharing what you know and building an effective content pipeline.

This week we sit down with Phani Raju.

He's a Staff Engineer at GitHub and lead on the GitHub Package Registry. He tells us what package registries are and why GitHub is uniquely suited to take them to the next step in security, trust, and user experience.

This is an awesome chat if you'd like to learn more about where your packages may be coming from in the future. It's also a fantastic lens into the great engineering and design thinking that is alive and well at GitHub — and how the Dear GitHub letter sparked a new wave of innovation.

This week on React Podcast we sit down with James K Nelson. We discuss what makes React hard to learn and how he's addressing that with his teaching platform

We talk about learning React without the buzzwords, his new router — Navi — and how to make some React bacon.

This is a great episode for those who have had trouble keeping up with React and want to discover and master the things have remained the same

This week we talk Jamison Dance about the parts of programming that are distinctly non-technical.

We talk about the perfect TLD, working with a team, finding psychological safety, the organization of React Rally, and how to recycle batteries.

Jamison is co-host of the podcast Soft Skills Engineering where he and Dave Smith answer non-technical questions for technical folks. It's a great show that I highly recommend. check it out at

This week we talk with Eve Porcello about getting started with GraphQL.

She is the co-author of Learning React and Learning GraphQL. She travels the world with husband Alex bank teaching JavaScript and telling jokes.

We talk about comedy and code and how to engage audiences with a little bit of funny.

This is a great episode if you want to add a little GraphQL to your stack or learn how to give a hilarious conference talks.

We sit down with venerable Emma Wedekind to talk mentorship.
She tells us all about different types of mentorship you can find,
At what phases in your career each type is most valuable,
And how to get a "yes" from someone you'd like to mentor you.

We also discuss her new mentoring platform and how it's helping connect developers based on technology and field.

Buckle in and get ready to get help.

This week, on React Podcast, We sit with Paul Henschel and talk animation.

Paul is the creator of React-spring a library for animating UI based on spring physics.

We talk about the library's origin, its future, and how to create lasting beauty on the web.

This week we sit with Erik Rasmussen to discuss forms in React. We talk about his library redux-form and it's evolution to final-form — a framework agnostic approach to making dynamic forms easy. Along the way the talk open source maintenance and monetization struggles. If you've wanted open source fame, this is a good one to listen to.

This week, we talk accessibility pitfalls with Aaron Canon.

Aaron is the co-founder and chief accessibility engineer at Accessible360 — where he uses his experience as a blind developer to improve real-world accessibility for all citizens of the web.

He shares his first-hand experience on which practices work, which ones are bogus, where to focus our accessibility efforts, and which libraries provide the best starting point.

I learned a ton. You will too.

Have you had the privilege of working in PHP?

If you haven't let me tell you: You can have a dynamic website just by putting a single PHP file on a host, anywhere.

It's magic

For us React developers, everything is a lot more complicated.

We want server-side rendering for Google crawl-ability, Hot Module Replacement for quick feedback in development, and code-splitting to get quick initial page loads for users.

None of that is easy to implement.

But there's hope.

The team at Zeit wants you to have all that but with the simplicity of that beautiful PHP workflow.

And they've done it.

We sit with Tim Neutkens, lead developer on Nextjs, an open source framework, for react, by Zeit.

He tells us how you can get back to that beautiful, fun PHP experience but with all of the benefits of SSR, HMR, AMP, and so many more initialisms.

I'm so excited to share this chat about Next.js the next-live of static site generation.

Navigating a career is tricky.
This is double true for women in tech.
Add a spouses career, traditional gender expectations, Single-parenting, Or illness to the mix And finding a satisfying career can feel impossible.

Today, Sophia Shoemaker sits with us to discuss how she manages being a mom in tech, conference speaker, FullStack React editor, and deeply invested in her community.

It's a different story than many of you are used to hearing on this show.
A more complicated one.
I'm excited that we get to learn more about one of the types of challenges that women in tech face today.

And I'm so grateful that Sophia brought us into her story.

I know that her experience can give you hope — as you find a career that works for your specific cocktail of complications.

How many times have you written a state reducer? 100 times? 100 times a month?

Truth is, it's tricky for human brains to write performant state mutations in immutable terms.

Maybe you're whip smart and you've got the theory on lock but the resulting "spread hell" is hard to read and edit long term.

Michel Westrate wants you to stop writing state updates with immutable APIs like spread, concat, and slice and take a second look at mutable APIs like property assignment, forEach, and push.

He's made it really easy And the React Team finds this idea very interesting.

We talk with Michel about this wild of idea of state producers (not reducers) in Immer, why they're in the spirit of React, his MobX fame, and why — even in 2019 — it's not a good idea to roll your own state management library.

Listen cautiously though. After this episode, you may never write a state reducer again...

Saron Yitbarek is the CEO and founder of CodeNewbie, the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. She's also the vibrant host of the CodeNewbie Podcast, Basecs Podcast, and Command Line Heroes (a Red Hat podcast).

Chantastic Asks her about learning in public, interviewing the world’s greatest developers, the art of storytelling, and aggressive kindness that surround her #CodeNewbie twitter chats.

They discuss podcasting, building a community you can trust, shower new developers with love and support, and what it takes to put on the most supportive conference in the world.

Scott Tolinski is creator of Level Up Totorials and co-host of Syntax — a tasty treats podcast for web developers. He joins us on React Podcast to talk about career, hobbies, and building a business.

Chantastic asks him about break dancing, YouTube as a career development platform, weeding out hators, and making the jump to independent creator.

They discuss podcasting, self-management, embracing ignorance, forcing confidence, determining content value, and importance of being kind to your favorite content creators.

Jon Rohan is an Engineer on the Design Systems Team at Github, building tooling for Octicons and Primer — their React component library.

Chantastic asks about his 6 year tenure at GitHub, the inspiration behind his primer.css slam poem, how their using CSS-in-JS and Lerna to structure their work, and his project Figma Actions for seamlessly building icons from Figma design files.

They discuss design apps, Monorepos, GitHub Actions, CSS-in-JS, and why you should open source your systems.

Kent C Dodds is a blogger, podcaster, open sorcerer, and community builder that recently made the leap to full-time, independent educator.

Chantastic asks about the approach Kent took while developing his career PayPal, what he had to give up to stay focused, and what's changed now that he's independent.

They discuss learning by teaching, the importance of being consistent, avoiding the permission trap, and what it means to "increase the impact of your value".

Houssein Djirdeh works with the Developer Relations team at Google, educating React developers on web application performance. He created the world best iPhone and Android app for Github — GitPoint.

Chantastic asks about his experience creating GitPoint (a fully featured GitHub client, built in React Native), what performance vernacular like tti, fcp, and Web Workers mean, and common performance pitfalls and misunderstandings found in React apps.

They discuss the importance of limiting scope to ship a product, the performance value of Hooks, tools and automations you can use today, and which projects to follow for inspiration.

Versioning. How do we do it? It's a lot more complicated than "just use semver!" This week Michael Jackson joins us again to discuss the pains of versioning, how to avoid them, and why it all comes down to communication.

Chantastic asks about upcoming how React Router v5 will take advantage of new features like Hooks and what versioning strategy they intend to employ with for legacy React Router users.

They fumble clumsily around what the various characters in a package.json file mean, discuss outrageous prefixing as a defense mechanism, and partying at the 2019 JSConfUS in Carlsbad.

Nader Dabit is the author on React Native in Action, Host of React Native Radio, Educator, Speaker, and doing developer relations for AWS Cloud.

Chantastic asks about Amplify and AppSync, where they fit into AWS offerings, why they make authentication and GraphQL server setup a breeze, and how we can start using them.

They discuss the opportunity and difficulty in podcast, the challenges of author a book, and travel the world speaking and educating.

Jamon Holmgren is CTO and cofounder of Infinite Red, a consultancy that specializes in React Native.

Chantastic asks about Jamon's start in programming and entrepreneurship, why consultancies have an edge in Open Source, and how the Chain React conference plays into their business strategy.

They discuss the team benefits of TypeScript, humble PHP beginnings, and the big differences between consultancy and product.

Sara is a developer on the beloved CodeSandbox app. She's worked for years as a developer advocate, giving brilliant talks across the world, and building some of the wildest sites on the web.

Chantastic asks her about succeeding against mental illness, how she achieved meme status, why we should "build dumb shit", and what the heck a developer advocate does.

They discuss corporate "change the world" bullshit, casual racism, why you should teach what you know, and the shockingly unglamorous lifestyle of a conference speaker.

Typescript. What is it? How does it help you write better code? Will it help you sleep better at night?

Jared is a lead engineer at The Palmer Group, a strategy, design, and engineering firm. There he uses TypeScript every day to keep code sturdy and maintainable.

Chantastic asks Jared what we need to know to get a little TypeScript into our apps. They discuss the joys and pains of Typescript in 2019 and how it compares to languages like Reason, Ocaml, Fable, and Elm.

Cassidy Williams is a Senior Software Engineer CodePen in Seattle — using React, Redux, GraphQL, and Apollo Client to build the frontend of CodePen and CodePen Projects.

Chantastic asks about building a startup on a plane, maximizing side hustle effort, the importance of networking, and what it's like to meet your heroes.

They discuss tips for getting great advice from smart people, building passive income, finding safe workplaces, and what it looks like to lift as you climb.

Kyle is a JavaScript engineer at webflow, speaker, educator, and Twitch streamer.

Chantastic asks Kyle about his experience healing from burnout, identifying his value, interviewing as a senior developer, and evaluating team fit.

They discuss the importance of networking, brand building, managing your energy, fighting the desire for more, and weaving it all together.

Kyle is a JavaScript engineer at webflow, speaker, educator, and Twitch streamer.

Chantastic asks Kyle about his experience breaking into web development, how he navigated the early portion of his career, and the inspiration behind his show secondCareerDevs.

They discuss the importance of finding your community, learning how to learn, and how to make progress on your side projects by live streaming your work.

Brian Vaughn is a member of the React Core team and creator of libraries like react-virtualized and react-window. He's a wealth of knowledge in React performance and application profiling.

Chantastic asks Brian about the new profiler tools he's been working on (available to React v16.5 apps), React Core team dynamics, and the future of windowing in React and browsers.

They discuss a handful of practical performance tips, Concurrent rendering in React, React.memo and the useMemo Hook, and how to decide with your human brain when performance tuning is necessary.

Shawn Swyx Wang moderates and organizes r/reactjs on Reddit. He also works on developer experience at Netlify. Shawn is a voracious learner and loves to share what he's learning and believes that everyone — regardless of experience — should "learn in public".

Chantastic asks Shawn about what's new in React and how r/reactjs is helping developers learn React, get connected in the community, and find jobs.

They discuss strategies for being a lifelong learner, how to get started in React, the growth of React's API surface area, Hooks, Suspense, Concurrent Mode, designing APIs, and the future of React.

Matt Perry is the developer behind PopMotion, a declarative animation library for the web. Chantastic asks his inspiration for PopMotion, the difficulties of maintaining a low-level open source library, what he things declarative APIs might look like in the future. They’re discussion goes all over the place. You kinda just have to listen…

Jen Luker is a lead software engineer at Formidable Labs, keynote speaker, host of @BookBytesFM, and expert knitter. Chantastic asks her about the Fiber Arts Corner at React Conf, the history that textiles and programming share, and how we can make our apps more accessible.

Laurie Voss is the Co-founder/COO of npm. He’s traveling the world and telling developers about npm and the future of JavaScript. Chantastic asks about his bold predictions for 2019, what the future brings for React, and how React could beat web components. They talk about fresh npm commands and security features, why teams are picking Vue or Ember, some sad truths about maintaining a diverse company, and the slack.

Vincent Riemer is the creator of and react-native-dom. He loves working on projects that challenge assumptions and inspire play. Chantastic asks him about his shoes, the inspiration behind and execution of and his mad scientist adventures with react-native-dom. They discuss the importance of exploration, the worthlessness of linters, and how to steal the platform.

Ryan Florence is the co-creator of React Router and creator of accessibility-first React libraries Reach Router and Reach UI. Chantastic sits with him to talk about Hooks on the night before they're announced. They talk about React's API growth, if Suspense has taken React to framework-land, what caches and resources mean for developers, and the rebirth of mixins as Hooks.

Christina is a developer at Google and speaker at React Conf 2018. Chantastic asks her about her cloud development process. They talk about changing careers, building brains, cheating imposter syndrome, speaking at conferences, and all the services you'll need to create your next app with with less software and fewer servers.

Jared Palmer is a passionate JavaScript developer, pushing developer ergonomics in React with projects like formik and react-fns. Chantastic asks about what Suspense and Hooks mean for existing apps and what we should know to migrate our code sanely. They discuss why doing away with render props is a good thing, why Hooks are up to the task, and how Hooks and Suspense will impact libraries like formik, react-fns, and the-platform.

Jason Lengstorf is a developer advocate at Gatsby and productivity speaker/author. Chantastic asks about what the Gatsby team is up to, why Gatsby makes sense, and how their team is growing a vibrant JavaScript community. They talk about GraphQL, why there’s no site that couldn’t be static assets, connecting Gatsby to your existing API, and productivity tips for staying fresh and capable at work.

The React core team sits down with Michael Jackson to discuss React today and tomorrow. They talk Concurrent Mode, Suspense, Hooks, the new profiler tab, scheduling in the browser, React Fire, React Fusion, becoming more framework-y, appearing less JavaScript-y, and why you shouldn’t worry about the second argument of useEffect.

Brad Frost is the author of Atomic Design, renowned speaker, and consulting designer. Chantastic asks him about his recent experience learning React and the difficulty he found entering the realm of React. They talk about team communication, developing portable solutions, organizational therapy through design, and creating a virtuous cycle between product, design, development, and systems creating. They address the challenges of learning UI design in an industry being consumed by JavaScript, the importance of listening and the value of finding nuance in communication.

Diana and Emily create design systems at Github. Chantastic asks them about the story of design at Github, what role React will play in future systems, and what community tools that make their job easier. They talk Rails, Lerna, monorepos, Figma, component APIs, and the importance of supporting your design system by supporting designers and engineers. It’s a great discussion for everyone looking to improve processes in a legacy application.

Chantastic asks Burke Holland about Five Things, VS Code can do that?!, and what brought him to computers. They discuss Windows 98 UI, React at Microsoft, the gateway drug to TypeScript, React Food Truck, and how how he discovered the identity of horse_js.

Chantastic talks with Sunil Pai about Facebook, Oculus, and what the future holds for the JavaScript community. They discuss Sunil’s early adventures in programming, why firebug changed everything, how he came to mad dogs models, the ways we protect ourselves from criticism, being “evil by accident”, and becoming The CSS Guy for the rest of eternity.

Chantastic talks with Ryan Florence about Reach UI and why accessibility is important for everyone. They discuss the balance of physical and mental activity, Ryan’s foray into programming and entrepreneurship, the inspiration behind his accessibility-first component library, and why none of us are really full-stack developers.

Chantastic talks with Kent C Dodds about his adventures in React development and why we should be optimizing code for delete-ability. They discuss React Rally, managing your career, taming your ego, keeping healthy and happy on Twitter, tools for composing components well and when to use them, and what’s next for React.

Chantastic talks with Devon about her adventures in web development and why she organizes the ReactJS San Francisco Bay Area meetup. They discuss how to foster vibrant and inclusive communities, why React Rally is so special, and what it means that Apple is sponsoring a React conference.

Chantastic talks with Michael about his journey into open source and how he's building a business to sustain open source development. They discuss frontend libraries (then and now), the link between business and open source, the genesis of (a CDN for NPM), and the future of modules in the browser.

Chantastic talks with Nikolai about Prepack — a tool for making JavaScript code run faster. They discuss the goals and challenges before Prepack, why it makes global JavaScript faster, and how it could dramatically improve time to interactive performance in large React apps.

Chantastic talks with Alex Reardon about his project react-beautiful-dnd. They discuss the physics of drag and drop, accessibility in any language, tricks and tactics for performance tuning UI, and engineering health in open source.

Michael Jackson, Michael Chan, and Ken Wheeler talk Smooth Criminal, BBQ tweets, what inspires his open source work, and what he's working on as the Director of Open Source at Formidable Labs.

Michael Jackson, Michael Chan talk with Shirley Wu about D3 and React, creative data visualizations, freelance work, and how she's helping React developers love D3.

Michael, Michael, and Harrison talk VX, Charting with D3, Airbnb engineering, and designing unopinionated component APIs in React.

Michael, Michael, and Kurt talk Gatsby, GraphQL, debugging Node, and gaining buy-in on big teams.

Sara Vieira is easily one of the most entertaining people we've ever had on this show. She has been working with React over the past few years and has recently been traveling around Europe and giving free workshops on React in London and at React Finland.

Sophie Alpert is a core contributor to React and is currently the engineering manager for the React team at Facebook. She has been contributing to React for over 3 years now, making her first contributions while she was working as an engineer at Khan Academy.

Ives van Hoorne is the creator of Codesandbox; an online code editor written completely in React. Although Codesandbox is written in React, it can be used to build applications for any front-end framework.

Kye Hohenberger is the author of the Emotion JavaScript library, a popular choice among React developers who prefer using CSS-in-JS to traditional CSS stylesheets. In this episode we discuss his work on Emotion including where he got the initial inspiration for the project and his motivation for creating it. We also discuss the future of the project and what may be in store for the future of CSS-in-JS.

Nitin Tulswani is a prolific developer and the creator of react-perf-devtool, a library that helps with profiling the performance of your React components since react-addons-perf was deprecated in React 16. In this episode we discuss Nitin's approach to writing code and the motivation behind several of his open source projects.

James Long is a prolific blogger and the author of several open source libraries including Prettier. He has recently started developing Actual, a budgeting app built in React and Electron. In this episode we talk about James' approach to business, as well as take a peek behind the scenes at how he works with React.

Andrew Clark is a developer on the React core team at Facebook who has been working on asynchronous rendering. In this episode we do a deep dive on some of the decisions behind the implementation of async mode in React 16 as well as talk about how applications can benefit from using it.

In this episode Michael Jackson talks with David Khourshid about State Machines. David is a developer on the Visual Studio Live Share team at Microsoft. Recently, he's been exploring methods of using finite state machines together with React to create predictable flows through applications that are easy to follow and test.

In this episode Michael Jackson talks with Henry Zhu, maintainer of the hugely popular Babel project, about open source sustainability and what's coming next for the Babel project.

In this episode Michael Jackson talks with Dan Abramov, author of Redux and create-react-app, about the responsibility that comes with being an influential voice for React, how future versions of React will leverage requestIdleCallback to schedule work, and the possibility of a future API for React that makes it easier to do async work.

In this episode Michael Jackson talks with Jared Palmer about Razzle, After.js, Formik, several other open source libraries from Jared, as well as Typescript and the implications of the upcoming async APIs in React.

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The React Podcast. In this episode Michael Jackson talks with Nicolas Gallagher about his project React Native for Web, the React Native API, how Twitter's new mobile website is powered by React Native for Web, and more.

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